Georgia lands a second #1 NZ Album

Georgia Lines pips Mel Parsons to the top of the NZ Album Chart this week. Sabrina Carpenter is the new Hot Chart #1 and Eminem climbs atop the Official Singles Chart

Jaya remains the Hot NZ Chart #1. Behind her are new entries for Stallyano, Cutthroat Mode & Stone II, Balu Brigada, Georgia Lines (3 new entries), Georgia Bradley, 33 Below & Daniel Allan, Puni, MELODOWNZ, Elena ft. Jaevan, Mel Parsons (2 new entries), Frankie Venter and T.G. Shand. As well as Georgia Lines and Mel Parsons, Ha The Unclear are also new on the NZ Album Chart. The ONES TO WATCH video features Balu Brigada, Georgia Lines, Mel Parsons and Elena ft. Jaevan
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#1 Single

The eight #1 Single for Eminem

#1 Album

Remains atop the Album Chart for a fourth week

#1 Hot Single

Sabrina tops the Hot Chart for the third time

#1 Hot NZ Single

Jaya holds on to the top spot for a second week

#1 NZ Album

Georgia's first #1 was 'Human EP', back in 2022

#1 Te Reo Single

Stan's track first topped the Te Reo Chart in March