Troy's Timely #1

It's a third #1 NZ Album for Troy Kingi, his second this year. Tate McRae has the new Hot40 Chart #1 while Revus, LSMG Rob-Lo and Yung Cuz combine to take out the Hot20 NZ Chart top spot.

Behind Revus on the Hot NZ Chart are new entries for Yiko, Son & Water, BEXY, Donell Lewis, DJ Noiz and Kennyon Brown, Three Houses Down, Sg. Nik, Troy Kingi, Mel Parsons, Ema I'u, Sly Chaos and Jaz Paterson. This week's ONES TO WATCH features Revus, Mel Parsons, Troy Kingi and Sam Cullen.
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#1 Single

Jack heads the Official Singles Chart for a second week.

#1 Album

A fourth week at #1 for Taylor.

#1 Hot Single

The fourth Hot Chart #1 for Tate and second in a month.

#1 Hot NZ Single

A third #1 for Revus. His previous two were collaborations with Victor J Sefo.

#1 Te Reo Single

TAWAZ maintains a firm grip on the Te Reo Chart.