Back In Pink

Pink scores her seventh Official Album Chart #1 while PinkPanthress jumps to the top of the Top40 Singles Chart and Shihad take out the NZ Album Chart #1 with a vinyl reissue.

There are seven new entries behind L.A.B's return to the top of the Hot20 NZ Chart. These come from Ashy, TEMM DOGG, Revulva, Kings, TRUCE, Matty Buxton and Corrella (a Catch-22 remix). The ONES TO WATCH video features L.A.B, BENEE, RAZÉ and Shane Walker.
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#1 Album

Pink first topped the Official Album Chart with I'm Not Dead 16 years ago!

#1 Hot Single

Becomes the first single ever to spend three consecutive weeks as the Hot Chart #1.

#1 NZ Album

Originally released in 2002, the Pacifier Album has been reissued on vinyl.

#1 Te Reo Single

Brings up a fiftieth week at #1.